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Tamsin Stanley
IMG_1041 (002)

Tamsin Stanley

The higher education sector, particularly in respect of Drama School training, sits in a complex network of scrutinising bodies that oversee, review and measure the quality of the training and learning. A significant part of my recent work has been involved with reviewing, developing and documenting performance (and other) programmes to ensure that they demonstrate good practice in delivery, offer effective enhancement. learning and teaching strategies and meet the expectations of the validating, accrediting and quality bodies.


I have worked with various institutions in this sector (and others)  to design and develop new programmes, and to review and remodel existing ones, from level 4 to level 7 on the HE framework, leading to successful validations/approvals and revalidations (Cert HE Acting, BA Acting (several), BA Musical Theatre, MFA Acting, MSc Ophthalmology, MSc Advanced Clinical Practice Degree Apprenticeship, MSc Research Pathways).


Generally I have been responsible for researching, writing and generating all programme documentation (from module specs, to extended review and positioning papers), as well as designing effective staged processes for programme design to ensure relevant stakeholder inputs and external benchmarks inform the design, and that these are integrated and documented within the wider processes.


Alongside programme design, I have also worked with institutions to develop effective quality management and enhancement strategies and processes that identify key data and methodologies, are informed by stakeholders and external scrutiny and  lead to reporting, activities and documentation that are integrated into delivery, and can demonstrate an ongoing measure of quality. I have been responsible for generating documentation at all stages within these processes, from the QAA SED, to annual monitoring reports at module and programme level, from student engagement focus group reports to institutional quality manuals. I have led programme teams to consistently achieving QAA HER, QAA RSCD and CDMT/ Drama UK accreditations.

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